Personal Development [O’Reilly] The Matlab Series: Looping Constructs In Matlab



Apply MATLAB looping constructs in this fourth course in the MATLAB Series. Follow along with MATLAB expert Advait Jayant through a combination of lecture and hands-on to master various decision and while loops in this extremely efficient programming language for technical computations.

The following seven topics will be covered in this MATLAB Fundamentals course:
  • Introducing MATLAB Loops. Be able to explain the concept of loops and how MATLAB works with loops in this first topic in this MATLAB Series. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session and create simple for-loops both through writing code and using MATLAB functions.
  • Generating the N-th term in a Fibonacci Series Using For-loops in MATLAB. Generate the n-th term in a Fibonacci Series using for-loops in MATLAB in this second topic in this MATLAB Series. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session.
  • Calculating Radioactivity Using Loops in MATLAB. Calculate radioactivity using loops in this third topic in this MATLAB Series. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session.
  • Calculating Orogeny Mounts Using Loops in MATLAB. Calculate Orogeny Mounts using loops in MATLAB in this fourth topic in this MATLAB Series. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session and learn how to determine the rate of mountain growth.
  • Coding with While Loops in MATLAB. Code with while loops in MATLAB in this fifth topic in this MATLAB Series. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session.
  • Using Polymorphism in MATLAB. Use polymorphism in MATLAB in this sixth topic in this MATLAB Series. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session.
  • Leveraging Advanced Matrices and Random Numbers in MATLAB. Leverage advanced matrices and random numbers in MATLAB in this seventh topic in this MATLAB Series. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session.

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