Development [SkillShare] Build A Diary Web App With Flutter – Master Cloud Firebase & Firestore



Let's build a complete Diary web app with Flutter and Dart!

You'll learn how to leverage Flutter 2.0 and Dart and build a full-fledged Diary Web App from scratch in this course!

By the end of the course you'll be able to:
  • Understand Flutter Widgets
  • How to construct a web page using Flutter Web and Dart
  • How to add make your Flutter Web App Responsive and fairly Adaptive
  • How to leverage pre-existing Flutter, Web, or programming skills to build a simple Portfolio Web App from scratch.
  • Use FirebaseAuth and Cloud Firestore as the backend of your web app
  • Deploy a Flutter Web app to Firebase Hosting and see your web app live!
  • and so much more
This course assumes your pre-existing Flutter or any prior Programming experience; however, if you've done a little programming before or have some basics programming skills down, you should be fine.

If any of these sound exciting to you, then get started on the course right away!

See you soon!

Paulo Dichone

Hi! I'm Paulo. I have a degree in Computer Science from Whitworth University, and I am a programming geek and very proud of it!

I have extensive experience in Android App Development particularly in the Mobile App (Android and iOS) and Web Development. I am also the founder of Magadistudio, a mobile app development company based in the beautiful Inland Northwest (WA).

I am passionate about teaching people Android app development. Showing them the ropes of making amazing android applications is an extremely rewarding experience! My goal is to get you up and running, quickly, making android apps.

You wouldn't believe the freedom that being an Android developer offers.


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