Development [] Full-Stack Web Apps With Meteor And React


What you'll learn
  • Learn how to create full-stack web applications
  • Learn how to launch your own full-stack web applications, switch careers, or freelance as a full-stack developer
  • Learn how to create apps that support authentication and user accounts
  • Learn how to build out applications using great third-party tools like MongoDB, Robomongo, Enzyme, react-router, and more
  • A computer on which you can install software (Windows, MacOS, or Linux)
  • A basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Are you trying to build and launch full-stack web applications? Maybe you want to freelance, switch careers, or launch your own side-project. If so, this is the course for you.

Like all my courses, I designed this one with a single goal in mind: Turning you into a full-stack Meteor and React developer capable of developing, testing, and deploying real-world production web applications.

“Andrew is the best when it comes to teaching programming skills, and this is the third of his courses I’ve taken. You can be a total noob but you’ll understand what’s going on because everything is explained in detail.” – Lucas Engel

This full-stack course covers everything you’ll need to create real-world production web apps, and there couldn’t be a better time to learn. React and Meteor are exploding in popularity with both startups and large enterprises like Netflix.

This course is entirely project-based. From the very beginning, you’ll be programming every single app and completing various challenges I’ve designed to help test and reinforce what you’ve learned. This is not a “sit back and watch” course. This course is designed to get you writing code and building projects in every video.

You’ll be programming and launching three web apps:
  1. A leaderboard app, where you’ll learn the basics of Meteor and React
  2. A link-shortener application with user accounts, authentication, and client-side routing
  3. A note app where you’ll master advanced techniques and automated testing
During the course, you’ll learn about:
  1. React
  2. JSX
  3. Meteor
  4. DDP
  5. Atmosphere.js
  6. MongoDB
  7. Robomongo
  8. react-router
  9. Heroku
  10. Git
  11. GitHub
  12. JavaScript ES6
  13. Mocha
  14. Node
  15. npm
  16. CSS/SCSS
  17. And more!
I built this course from the ground up around the latest versions of Meteor and React. You’ll be using all the cutting-edge features available only in newer versions.

Everything you need comes in one easy-to-use package. You can stop worrying if you’re learning the right skills to build an app or land a new job. I’ve curated all the tech that’s essential to building real-world apps. I’ve mapped everything out in a comprehensive, easy-to-follow package designed to get you up and running in a few weeks.

I guarantee this is the most up-to-date and engaging Meteor/React course available. Your purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Access to fast support and a community of like-minded students.

I offer fast and friendly support. You won’t have to sit around hoping someone will actually reply. I answer every single question that students post.

Don’t take my word for it. It’s one of the things students like most about my courses:

“This instructor is extremely responsive, answering 5/5 of my questions within 24 hours of my asking them with clear, comprehensive and friendly responses.” – Gabriel Elkind

“Andrew is knowledgeable and always on the ball in the comments ready to help you out when things go awry” – Caim Astraea

“Andrew responds to every question in the forum within 24 hours and really makes the effort to solve the problem other students are facing.” – Rajat Bansal

“Andrew responds to questions in the Q&A and will not leave you stranded.” – Emmanuel

I can’t wait to see you inside.

– Andrew

Who this course is for
  • Anyone looking to launch a full-stack web app, switch careers, or freelance as a full-stack web developer.

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