Development [] Laravel - Create a user registration with email notification


Помощник Администратора
Команда форума
27 Авг 2018

What you'll learn
  • At the end of the course students will be able to understand queuing in Laravel
  • At the end of the course students will be able to understand events in Laravel
  • At the end of the course students will know how properly send emails with laravel
  • At the end of the courses students will know how to create an account activation feature for their current of future project
  • Laravel

Learn how to activate users account via email with your Laravel app.

On this course we cover
  • Route model binding
  • Sending email via SMTP
  • Learn about email testing t server (how we test our email sending)
  • Queuing emails for faster user interaction
  • And lots more.....
You can use the knowledge of this course to create a really awesome user registration that activates and notifies users in Laravel apps.

Laravel has become one of the best and most popular PHP framework on the planet. For a time it seemed that PHP was boring and and just plain old. Laravel brought back the joy of coding to the PHP community.

Laravel has many functionalities right out of the box, but it is lacking the account user activation which in my opinion is necessary for applications to have since there is so much SPAM.

On this course, we are going straight to the point and build an account activation small app where the user registers, gets an email to activate their account and if they did not get it, they can ask for the code again.

If you ready to learn then I'm ready to teach, lets do it

Edwin Diaz

Who this course is for
  • Any student looking to add account activation in Laravel to their skill set should take this course

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